Wednesday, February 1, 2012

‘Celebrating’ Noah’s first day

Let me start by giving some background regarding my first days at work. After the end of my first day, I met Noah at Karlsplatz and we went to a nice sushi restaurant to celebrate – it was delicious. The next week, after the dogs arrived, I would arrive home on the train to be greeted by Noah and the puppies waiting for me at the platform – best welcome party ever.

So today was Noah’s first day, and I wanted to try to make it special for him too. He was set to arrive at our Laim station at 6:25. I left work early, with the goal of going home, grabbing the puppies, and meeting him at his platform so he could be surprised as he walked off the train.

I get off the train, rush home, grab the dogs, and start making my way to the station. I don’t have much time, so I alternate between running and speed walking. 3 minutes from the station, I get a text from Noah saying ‘next stop Laim, you?’. I say, ‘me too’, so I don’t ruin the surprise. By the time I am at the station, I am sweating (and it is minus 8 Celsius outside), but I think I made it in time. After waiting on the platform with the dogs, and we see 5 trains go by and no Noah, I text him to see where he is. Turns out he rushed off his train to try to wait for my usual train home – which is on the other platform – and we must have just missed each other. After my ‘normal’ train came and went, he went to wait in the station. Fail #1.

Next, I say I want to take him to dinner. I had seen this place just south of the station called ‘Santa Fee Bar’. I thought, sweet, maybe a New Mexico style restaurant! So we take the dogs home, hop on the bus, and head down there. Oddly, all the lights are off. I am thinking, maybe they are randomly closed on a Wednesday? Then we start to notice pictures of half naked women on the doors. Turns out it is a strip club. Fail #2. (Though some might say it is only a fail because it was closed….)

We decide to head back home and try out the place across the street from our apartment – Wotansturbel – this little German looking restaurant that I have been too chicken to try out because all you see is a door and I have never seen anyone enter or exit. Did I mention it is minus 8 Celsius outside and we are freezing with all the walking around? We get up to the door, and check out the menu to realize they don’t have food – it is beer only. Fail #3.

At this point, we decide to go home to heat up some noodles, because we are tired and cold and hungry.

So to recap Noah’s celebration night: I made him wait 5 minutes for me in the cold while I waited for him in a different spot. I dragged him through the freezing cold to try to eat a closed strip joint. I then took him to eat at a place that only serves drinks. I ultimately made him precooked noodles for dinner.
Hopefully we have better luck tomorrow.

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