Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lac D’Annecy

Yesterday we returned from a week in France, and three weeks from today we will be on the beach in Sardinia, Italy.  We are definitely taking full advantage of living in central Europe.  France was broken up into two parts, so we will break the blog into two parts as well.  This blog will be focused on the first three nights in the French Alps, and I’ll leave it to Noah to write about our time in Paris.

The trip started with us waiting for the train to the airport at 7am.  With two minutes until the train arrives, Noah realizes he didn’t have his passport.  Oops.  He runs off to catch the bus back to the apartment, and says he will be back for the next train (20 minutes later) no matter what.  I am waiting on the platform with the luggage and the next train arrives in 1 minute and still no Noah.  I look up and see him running towards me.  He was able to catch a bus back home, but the return bus(es) never showed up!  They are supposed to come every 5 minutes, but with rush hour sometimes they get delayed.  In his determination to make the next train, he ran the 0.7 mile/1.1 km from our apartment to the station in less than 7 minutes.  Poor guy…. but he made it!

After starting the trip off on not the best foot, we make it to Paris on time.  Oh, and it turns out since we are traveling within the continental EU, no one even checked our passports (our residence cards were enough).  But we stick by his decision to run home – you should always carry your passport on travels!  At least this made us feel better.

After a 4 hour train ride in first class, we arrive in Annecy around 9:30pm, exhausted from an entire day of traveling and ready for sleep.  Good thing we are in a small alpine town, right?  Wrong.  We entered a world of 15-22 year olds partying to loud music in the streets, and of course the drum line is right outside our hotel window.  Naturally.  I am not sure when it ended, but it was definitely after midnight.  What can we say, we were hopeful it would end then… but nope.  What did we get ourselves into?  The next day we found out there was a music festival, and the town IS in fact a quiet alpine town.

We woke up and headed to the market to pick up breakfast/lunch.  After eating too many chocolate pains… I mean pain au chocolates… we pick up our cheese, fresh baguette, and fruit, and head to the lake.  We really realized how much German we know when we tried to communicate our orders.  You don’t get too far in a place where we never heard another native English speaker, and all we knew in French is please, thank you, yes, no, 1,2,3,4.  So it involved a lot of gestures and their broken English.  When we arrive at the lake, we spot the paddleboats and immediately knew what we would be doing that afternoon.  And these are nice paddleboats – they even had front and back decks to hang out in!

Noah was happy…

We paddled out a bit to ‘park’ (just stop paddling) the boat and enjoy our lunch. Immediately after stopping, a little duck friend showed up at the back of our boat.  After watching him work hard for our attention, I faked throwing a piece of bread.  The poor little guy flew after the non-bread, and when he realized I tricked him he let us know how unhappy he was.  He started squawking at us, and I felt like a giant jerk.  When we were done eating, I threw the leftover bread to him to make it up to him.  

When we packed up our lunch to sunbathe on the deck, our bird friend knew quickly lunch was over and took off for the next paddleboat.  Smart little bird.  We spent the next hour lounging in the sun, and later I learned I missed a spot with the sunscreen and burned the area around my armpit.  Lovely.

When we were ready to head back, we cruised across the lake my favorite way – with Noah paddling and me lounging.  Thanks love!

We spent the afternoon walking along the canals in the town – think San Antonio River Walk but clear waters and 10x more gorgeous (not that I am slamming the River Walk!).

The next day – Noah’s birthday!!!!! - we spent at a beach on the lake, watching old ladies with leather skin sunbathe in oil topless.  I didn’t take any photos, but go check out a dark brown leather couch that is at least 40 years old, and that was what it looked like.  Instead, I will share a pretty photo of the lake view.

We cleaned ourselves up and went to celebrate his birthday with fresh seafood at a nice restaurant on the canal.  We followed it up with a banana-chocolate crepe and an ice cream sundae.  Mmmmm…. I love French food.  We headed back to the lake to take a photo of us dressed up, and I spent a few minutes setting up the camera on a trashcan to get the perfect shot of us in front of the lake.  I hit the shutter, and ran to stand by Noah.  As the camera is counting down, 2 bicyclers start heading down the path and pass us right as the camera went off.  We started laughing, assuming we just spent all that time for a shot of a bicycle, but instead the camera just missed them.  

Our time in Annecy was over.  It was bittersweet – it meant we were leaving this gorgeous place with gorgeous weather, but on the upside we were heading to Paris in the morning to meet Noah’s mom.  Au Revoir Annecy – we probably won’t see you again, but we loved our visit!!  

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